Friday, April 18, 2014

Tally Customization - Accept Discount in Amount instead of percentage

;; Tally ERP 9 TDL program to Accept Discount in Amount instead of percentage
;; This Tally Programming (TDL) affect in Sales vouchers only.
;;  Before Tdl implementation  take Tally data backup
;; Remark :-
;;1) In this TDL program, we are not adding any new field for "Discount Amount"
;;2) We are only changing the Title/captions and also the INPUT FORMAT for the "VCH Discount" field.
;;3) You also need to activate Discount facility in Tally. Use option GatewayOfTally -> F11 ->
;;   "Separate Discount coulmn on Invoices" option to be enabled
;;4) These changes affect the "Sales" Voucher entry only

;;Step 1:
;;Change the Title to "Disc Amt" as it appears in the Invoice
[#Line: EI ColumnOne]
    Add: Option: Disc EI ColumnOne: @@IsSales

;;Optional definition for the line "Disc EI ColumnOne"
[!Line: Disc EI ColumnOne]
    Local: Field: VCH DiscTitle: Set as: "Disc Amt"

;;Step 2:
;;Change the title to "Disc Amt" as it appears in the Batch subform
[#Line: VCHBATCH ColumnOne]
    Add: Option: Disc EI ColumnName: @@IsSales

;;Optional definition
[!Line: Disc EI ColumnName]
    Local: Field: VCH DiscTitle: Info: "Disc Amt"

;;Step 3:
;;Change the Title to "Discount Amt" as it appears in the Multiple Price list report
[#Field: MPSDiscountTitle]
    Set as: "Discount Amt"

;;Step 4:
;;Reclaculate formula's
[System: Formula]
    CalcedAmt: ($Rate * $BilledQty) - $BatchDiscount
    NrmlAmount: ($BilledQty * $Rate) - $BatchDiscount

;;Step 5:
;;Update the format attribute for Discount field as it appears in the Invoice
[#Field: VCH Discount]
    Delete: Format
    Add: Format: "Nopercent,NoZero"

;;Update the format attribute for Discount field as it appears in Batch sub-form
[#Field: VCHBATCH Discount]
    Delete: Format
    Add: Format: "Nopercent,NoZero"

;;Required if there are no batch Allocations
[#Field: VCH Value]
    Resetval: if (@@NoBaseUnits OR $$IsEmpty:BilledQty) then $$Value else (($Rate * $BilledQty) - $Discount)

1 comment:

  1. We are using Tally erp9 , our business pesticides, We want separate discount value in tally in specific sale invoice purpose. we are want tdl Customization separate discount value any information please send mail, and contact No.8125812508

    Thanking you
